1:12 Dollhouse Miniature – Wood Burning Stove. Complete as shown, 1:12 scale Reutter Porzellan collectible miniatures are the perfect addition to your dollhouse, miniature scene or classic setting. This product is a scale miniature and not intended for children under 14 years of age. Thank you for looking Check out my other items.
Vintage Cast Iron Wood Burning 6l X 4w Stove Legs Fish Scale Design 2l Mount
VINTAGE CAST IRON WOOD BURNING 6″L X 4″W STOVE LEGS FISH SCALE DESIGN 2″Long x1.75″wide MOUNT. These have a small hole started in them for a screw but can be drilled out anywhere on the tab. Thank you for your consideration and if you have any questions you may contact me thru this listing. This […]
1/6 Scale Miniature Wood-Burning Stove Fireplace White
Feel free to ask me if you have any questions or need to more information. Please add items you like to your watch list and follow my store to get sale information and discount coupons! The used products we sell may have deteriorated boxes or scratches on the products because they are used. Please refer […]