Camping Stove Wood Burning Stove Backpacking Camping Stove Outdoor Cooking New. EFFICIENT STOVE-Easy to store and assemble, and frustrating small accessories. So need to worry about loosing small acessories. The wood burning stove can be assembled or disassembled within seconds. Just take it go! The well assembled camp stove could offer you big chamber and high combustion efficiency, it could boil one gallon of water in about 15 minutes. VERSATILE-The backpacking stove cooktop both sides can be used to suit any shape of your cookware, both flat and domed bottom are all works perfect. It’s suitable for all outdoor activity times like hunting, fishing, picnic, camping, outdoor events, backyard cooking, etc. This camping equipment is your designated camping gear and equipments. SUPERIOR DESIGN -From cooking system on top to durable and steady stand below every aspcets of the outdoor stove have been refined and optimized. We perfect the technology that could generate super efficient heat. And adapt the “tenon and mortise structure”. That means it needs “0” screws and bolts but assure you a much more sturdy stove. TOP QUALITY- Apart from other thin and frail pocket rocket, backpack tove offer you a real Iron Man Stove: all parts of this portable stove are made of high quality carbon steel. It can withstand a pressure of 350lb easily. It is coated with heat and rust-resistant paint, that can resist high temperatures of 1500? COMPACT -Cook top 10″x10″, Base 11″x11″, Height 17.5. It is designed to be a portable compact and collapsible rocket stove. The compression ratio is amazingly more than 6:1. That means it can help you save more room for other camping gear and camping accessories. The cast iron griddle is included. Thank you for shopping at our store.