Helios 5 Cleanburn Multi Fuel Woodburning Stove


HELIOS 5 CLEANBURN MULTI-FUEL / WOODBURNING STOVE. Advertised to you by Stanways Lighting and Heating. We are a retailer established over forty years with two showrooms based in Derbyshire. The Helios 5 Cleanburn Wood Burning and Multi Fuel Stove is an addition to the Gallery range of stoves. The Gallery Helios 5 is a wood […]

Helios 8 Cleanburn Multi-fuel / Woodburning Stove


HELIOS 8 CLEANBURN MULTI-FUEL / WOODBURNING STOVE. Advertised to you by Stanways Lighting and Heating. We are a retailer established over forty years with two showrooms based in Derbyshire. The Helios 8 Multi-Fuel / Woodburning Stove has been designed with aesthetics and efficiency in mind. The Helios 8 stove is Defra approved which means it […]